Do You LovE Dinosaurs?
Bloomsbury Children’s Books, April 2021
ISBN 978-1526609533
Some dinosaurs had a deadly bite and others could run super fast. Some had club-like tails and some could make the smelliest of farts - POO-WEE! But wait, don't run away... Because dinosaurs are actually awesome!
From the ferocious hunters like Spinosaurus and T.rex to the gentle giants like Diplodocus and Titanosaurus, the speedy Velociraptor to the armoured Ankylosaurus, discover all the weird and wonderful things that made dinosaurs so AMAZING. Did you know that some dinosaurs laid eggs the size of footballs? Or that there's a fossilised dinosaur poo as long as your arm? And have you ever heard of a certain dinosaur that could outrun a racehorse?
Find out about all this and more - and then decide: do YOU love dinosaurs?
“Do You Love Dinosaurs? is a must read for dino fans, and for anyone who isn’t that keen on dinosaurs, this is the dino book that will convert you! As it is National Dinosaur Day, I thought I’d finish this review with our favourite fact from the book: The Psittacosaurus had self-sharpening teeth in its cheeks!”
“It would also suit an early year’s classroom environment or an excellent teaching resource. I can imagine this book being very popular in the class library as smaller children are not expected to be excellent readers to enjoy it, yet more advanced readers will similarly take delight in its pages. If you have a dinosaur fan in the family, buy this book!
Picture book / Reviewed by Joanna Hewish, teacher
Suggested Reading Age 3+”